High Thinker

Wisdom & science to master your mind, habits, and time. Join 1,200+ High Thinkers and discover different ideas to rise above distraction, confusion, and chaos.

3 Surprising Beliefs That Could Be Sabotaging Your Happiness Jun 02, 2024

Read time: 4 minutes

Explore the mind-traps that keep you stuck and learn how to break free for lasting change and fulfilment.

Do you ever feel like you're not making the progress you want in life, despite your efforts to be happy and successful?

This is a common struggle for many people. They...

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Want To Stop Sabotaging Yourself? Unlock The Secrets Of Self-Mastery With The Vedas' Chariot Analogy May 13, 2024

Read time: 8 minutes

Find out why gaining control over your mind is your secret weapon for personal growth.

You want to stop sabotaging yourself, but you don't know how. You've tried self-help books and motivational videos, but nothing seems to stick.

The truth is, the answer has been around for...

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How To Overcome The #1 Meditation Excuse May 05, 2024

Read time: 3 minutes

Discover the secret to fitting meditation into your busy life, no matter how hectic it gets.

You're busy. I get it.

We all are. Work, family, friends, hobbies, and endless to-do lists. Where's the time for meditation?

But what if I told you that you don't need hours a day to...

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3 Lessons I Learned from 5,000 Hours of Meditation Apr 28, 2024

Read time: 5 minutes

Uncover the power of meditation to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and clarity

Meditation isn't just for monks in the mountains.

From Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to elite athletes, everyone is discovering meditation’s benefits. It’s a tool for...

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3 Limiting Beliefs Preventing You From Becoming Disciplined Apr 21, 2024

Read time: 5 minutes

And 3 mindset shifts to turn discipline from a burden into a liberating force.

Picture this: It's 6am and your alarm jolts you awake after another restless night. Before your feet even hit the floor, your mind is already racing with all the demands of the day ahead - looming...

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Non-Negotiable Mindset Apr 13, 2024

Read time: 5 minutes

Why having clear, actionable rules for your life is the secret to consistent success.

You have goals, aspirations, and a vision for your life, but somehow, you keep falling short. Despite your best intentions, you find yourself overwhelmed by the daily grind, unable to...

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The 30-Second Stress Solution Mar 31, 2024

Read time: 2 minutes

Discover the Physiological Sigh: The breathing technique every high-performer needs to know to stay calm and thrive under pressure.

You're a high-performer, and that means you're no stranger to stress. It's the price of success, right?

But what if you could conquer stress in...

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The Real Reason Youโ€™re Procrastinating Mar 24, 2024

Read time: 4 minutes

Unlock the secrets to beating procrastination, mastering time, and unlocking creativity.

Ever felt like you're running in circles, not getting anything done?

You know the feeling: it's the end of the day, you've been working non-stop, but your most important project remains...

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How to 10x Concentration (9 Design Techniques) Mar 17, 2024

Read time: 4 minutes

Discover how designing your environment can skyrocket your focus and productivity.

Imagine accomplishing in 4 hours what others do in an entire day.

Sound too good to be true? It's not.

You just need to know how to design your environment for deep focus.

Most people leave...

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Transform Your Mindset in Just 21 Days: The No-Complaining Challenge Mar 10, 2024

Read time: 4 minutes

Discover the life-changing power of a simple yet transformative habit and unlock lasting positivity and resilience in your life.

Trapped in a never-ending loop of negativity?

Picture it: You're racing against time for an important appointment, but every traffic light seems...

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3 Hidden Influencers in Your Mind: Master These for Wise Decisions and Impeccable Habits Mar 03, 2024

Read time: 4 minutes

Explore the power of ancient wisdom in shaping everyday choices for a more purposeful and balanced life.

Ever felt like you're just reacting to everything?

Where even though you have good intentions, you sometimes blurt hurtful comments to loved ones, splurge on useless...

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The Ultimate Secret to a Healthy Mind: Mastering the Art of Mental Gardening Feb 25, 2024

Read time: 4 minutes

Transform your outlook and empower your mind by learning the art of "mental gardening" — A practice for clearing out negativity and cultivating inner resilience.

Imagine two typical people:

Mike starts his mornings with a moment of calm, such as prayer or meditation....

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