5 compelling reasons why acts of service are the secret to success for today's leaders: Strengthen relationships, create a legacy, and achieve greater fulfilment

Dec 24, 2023

Read time: 6 minutes

Picture this: It's June 7, 1893. A young man, just 23, with dark skin, steps onto a train bound for Pretoria, South Africa.

While on the train, a white man didn’t approve of the man of colour being in the first-class area even though he had a ticket.

The young man refused to move to the back of the train and was forcibly removed and thrown off the train.

This moment of standing up against unfair rules sparked a strong desire in him to dedicate his life to battling racism.

He promised to work hard, even if it meant facing tough times, to end racism.

From then on, the small, unassuming man would grow into a giant force for civil rights.

This man is known by the name of Ghandi.

The transformative power of service

Gandhi's journey is more than a story of overcoming adversity; it's a powerful illustration of the impact of service.

His dedication to a higher purpose reshaped his life and the world.

Service, often heard in discussions among social businesses and charities, goes beyond philanthropy.

It's about prioritising others' welfare, a principle echoed by ancient yogis, monks, and scholars.

Christmas is that time of year when the air is filled with the spirit of giving.

Yet, amidst the festive buzz, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters.

Beyond the glittering lights and wrapped presents, the essence of Christmas – and indeed, a key to profound leadership – lies in service to others.

But why should this matter to you as a leader?

How can acts of service redefine your approach to success?

Stick with me, and let's explore this together.

Rediscovering ancient wisdom in modern leadership

In ancient times, the greatest leaders knew something vital: true success comes from serving others.

This isn't just a lofty ideal; it's a practical, powerful approach to leadership.

Imagine a world where leaders prioritise the well-being of their teams and communities as much as their own.

This vision can be your reality.

In every aspect of life, being of service holds profound significance.

Let's consider the words of Caitanya Mahāprabhu, a revered sage from over 500 years ago, whose legacy and spiritual teachings deeply impacted millions.

He imparted a timeless lesson: "It is the duty of every living being to perform welfare activities for the benefit of others with his life, wealth, intelligence and words."

This statement isn't just a call to action; it's a responsibility that shapes our lives and the world at large.

A new perspective on success

You might wonder, "How does focusing on others help me as a leader?"

Here's the thing: success isn't about profit margins and personal accolades.

It's about impact, connection, and legacy.

Let's delve into why this perspective is essential for today's leaders.

Service: the core of impactful leadership

Service is a cornerstone of impactful leadership — often overlooked yet incredibly potent. Here are the five compelling reasons why:

  1. Service makes you feel more connected. When you serve, you must get out into the world to contribute to other people’s well-being. So, naturally, you’ll be less lonely.
  2. Service breeds compassion. When you’re helping others, you’re confronted with the hardship they face, and you’ll have more understanding and empathy for their situation and how they handle it.
  3. Service cultivates gratitude. Service makes you appreciate what you have and teaches you to express gratitude when others help you when you’re in need.
  4. Service increases tolerance. When you serve, you may find that — compared to others — your life isn’t so hard. And you become more tolerant to the adversities that you’re facing in your personal life.
  5. Service cultivates a higher purpose. By helping others, you act according to your nature, and that gives you an increasing sense of purpose and meaning

Embracing service isn't just about feeling good; it's a strategic, transformative approach to leadership.

It challenges conventional success metrics, offering a more holistic, fulfilling path.

This approach may differ from traditional leadership models, but its effectiveness is undeniable.

Everyday leadership: the impact you make

Leadership isn't just for CEOs or executives; it's a role we all play in our daily lives.

Whether as a parent, sibling, friend, or community member, your actions and attitudes are a form of leadership.

People around you, consciously or not, often emulate the behaviours they observe in you. This means every interaction is an opportunity to lead by example.

Small acts of kindness and understanding are as much a part of leadership as big decisions.

Service isn't just about building schools overseas; it can be impactful in simpler, local ways.

Being of service can be as simple as listening attentively to a friend or supporting a family member.

These actions create a positive impact and set a tone for others to follow.

Remember, your everyday actions have the power to inspire and influence.

By embracing your role as a leader in your own life and focusing on service, you create a ripple effect of positive change.

You don't need a title to lead; your actions speak for themselves.

Be the example, be of service, and observe the transformative impact you bring to your world.

As always, make a difference.

Dr Yannick

P.S. This Christmas, let's embody the gift of service. Here's a 6-minute video that is now more relevant than ever. Have you seen it yet? Watch, enjoy, and Merry Christmas!

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